멜론 www.melon.com/album/detail.htm?albumId=10578078
벅스 music.bugs.co.kr/album/20384625?wl_ref=list_ab_03
지니 www.genie.co.kr/detail/albumInfo?axnm=81949199
(사)서울윈드오케스트라 Vol. 3
# 서울윈드오케스트라 소개
1974년 한국음악의 균형적인 발전과 관악의 지속적인 발전을 추구하며 서현석의 지휘로 창단연주를 가진 이래 정기연주회와 특별연주, 지방연주, 야외연주, 공단연주, 청소년음악회, 방송사 및 음악기획연주, 초청연주 등 년 30여 회의 연주를 통하여 클래식 음악의 보급과 관악발전을 위해 많은 노력을 하였다.
서울윈드오케스트라는 그 동안 꾸준한 연주활동으로 음악계에서 그 역량을 인정받아 관악단체로는 처음으로 대한민국 음악제 초청연주, 예술의전당 개관기념 초청연주 등 국내 정상의 연주단체로 활동하고 있으며 특히 “88 서울올림픽” 개. 폐회식에서 사용된 행진곡의 연주 녹음을 S.L.O.O.C로부터 위촉 받아 전 세계에 한국 관악수준을 널리 알리는 계기가 되었다.
또한 ‘91년 ’92년에는 캐나다 벤쿠버와 미국 시애틀, LA, 샌프란시스코, 산 호세 등 순회연주, ‘93년 일본 교토 국제음악제, ’95년 관악계의 최정상 국제대회 세계 심포닉밴드협회 (WASBE)주최 세계대회에 초청, 일본 하마마츠에서 연주하여 전 세계 유명지휘자와 관악 연주자들로부터 극찬을 받았다. 한국을 대표하는 서울윈드오케스트라는 ‘98년 예술의전당 교향악축제에 관악연주단으로 유일하게 참가하여 국내의 유명 오케스트라와 비교 연주되었고, 03년에는 한국관악 100주년을 기념하는 프란츠 에케르트 기념음악회를 열어 한국관악의 뿌리를 찾는 계기를 마련하였고, ‘19년 12월에는 창단 45주년 기념 대 음악회를 열었으며 지금까지 106회의 정기연주회를 개최하였다.
- Record
1980년 9월 제 1집을 내었으며, 1987‘년 12월 S.K.C컴팩트 디스크, ’91년 9월 캐나다, 시애틀 실황연주 녹음 Tape을 출반 하였고, 2000년에는 KBS FM 한국 우수연주단체에 지정되어 CD를 제작하였다.
Seoul Wind Orchestra
Since its founding in 1974 under the leadership of Seo Hyun-seok, it has made great efforts to spread classical music and develop orchestral music through 30 performance in a year such as regular concerts, special performances, local performances, outdoor performances, industrial concerts, youth concerts, broadcasting performances, and guest performances.
In recognition of its ability in the music industry for steady performances, it has been working as a top performance organization in South Korea, including invited performances for the Korea Music Festival and the opening ceremony of the Seoul Arts Center. In particular, the recording of the marching song used in the 1988 Seoul Olympics was commissioned by S.L.O.O.C, and it became an opportunity to widely inform the level of Korean wind music around the world.
In addition, following the release of the first album in September 1980, they released S.K.C Compact Disc in December 1987, and Canada and Seattle's live-performance recording album in September 1991 as well as produced the album as they were designated as a KBS FM's Korean Outstanding Performance Group in 2000.
In 1991 and 1992, they toured Vancouver, Canada, Seattle, LA, San Francisco, and San Jose, and was invited to the Kyoto International Music Festival in Japan in 1993 and the World Congress hosted by the World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles (WASBE) in Hamamatsu in 1995. Its was the world's top international competition in wind instruments and received rave reviews from famous conductors and wind musicians around the world.
The Seoul Wind Orchestra, which represents Korea, was the only orchestra to participate in the Seoul Arts Center Symphony Festival in 1998 and performed with a renowned orchestra in Korea. In 2003, the Franz Eckert Memorial Concert was held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Korean orchestral music, which provided an opportunity to find the roots of Korean orchestral music.
In March 2009, a grand concert was held to commemorate the 35th anniversary of its foundation, and they were selected as an excellent performance program for the local literary center from 2013 to 2015. In 2014, they successfully held a concert to commemorate the 40th anniversary of its foundation, and has held more than 100 regular concerts by 2020, completing the grand concert to commemorate the 45th anniversary of its foundation.
The Seoul Wind Orchestra, which has been striving to continuously discover creative songs, was selected as the “Ojakgyo Project” by the Arts Council Korea from 2016 to 2017, and greatly contributed to the creation of the Wind Orchestra by holding the first Korea Wind Instruments Composition Competition in 2017, and was designated as a professional arts corporation in 2019.
It has been consistently selected for exciting art trips, BangBang-GokGok cultural empathy and continuous performance support projects, and is working hard to create and represent Wind music.
지휘 김응두
· 한양대학교 음악대학 및 동 대학원 졸업
· 네덜란드 로테르담 음악원 졸업
· 현재 : 숭실대학교 음악원 주임교수
(사)서울윈드오케스트라 상임지휘자, Solist Brass Band 상임지휘자
젤로소윈드오케스트라 상임지휘자 및 음악감독
Conductor Kim Yeung-Du
Prof. Kim Eung-du graduated from Hanyang University(College of music) and a graduate school, and graduated from Rotterdam Conservatory of Music.
He has successively filled vice-head director of General Association of Korean Wind instrument and secretary general of National Symphonic Band Association of College of Music , and works as a permanent conductor in Seoul Wind Orchestra - the first wind ensemble organization since 1974 and Solist Brass Band which is the only brass-orchestra in Korea. Also he is the leader in Academia Brass Quintet. Since 1996, he had strived to foster younger students in teaching as orchestral dean of Soongsil Conservatory of Music. He took a root as a conductor of Zeloso Wind Orchestra in Korea where is the wasteland of social orchestra, and now spends his time working in music director of Zeloso Wind Orchestra.
Working as a conductor of Seoul Wind Orchestra and Zeloso Wind Orchestra, prof. Kim Eung-du loved by many Koreans as leading 'A realization of public service through music' like regular concert, eve celebrating concert, international band festival, consolation concert.
가야금 민세희
· 이화여자대학교 한국음악과 졸업
· 이화여자대학원 한국음악과 졸업
· KBS 국악관현악단, 서울시 국악관현악단 협연
· 호주 시드니 한인 설축제, 도쿄 한국문화원 초청공연
· 현재 : 이화국악 관현악단, 이화국악 실내악단 단원
한국예술종합학교 전통예술원 나눔학교 강사, 춘호가희 동인
Gayageum Min Se Hee
· Graduated from the Department of Traditional Music at Ewha Womans University.
· Graduated Master's in Korean Traditional Music at Ewha Womans University
· accompanied performance with the KBS Korean Traditional Orchestra and
the Seoul Korean Traditional Orchestra
· Korean New Year Festival in Sydney, Australia, Invited from korean cultural center in tokyo
· Current: A Member of the Ewha Gugak Orchestra and the Ewha Gugak Orchestra
· Instructor of Nanum School of Traditional Arts at the Korea National University of Arts
member of Chun-Ho-Ga-Hee
· A member of the Korean Gayageum Players Association
· A member of L'art pour L'art Research Center for Arts
작곡가 서순정
· 한양대학교 학사, 미국 맨하탄 음악대학 석사 및 박사 졸업
· International Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 대한민국 작곡상, 한민족 창작음악축전, 안익태 작곡상, KBS 창작관현악곡공모, 부산현대음악제 관현악부문 수상, 전국 합창작품 공모 수상
· Tokyo Philharmonic, KBS교향악단, 코리안심포니, 수원시향, 경기필하모닉, 성남시향, 국립국악관현악단, 오페라 <미호뎐>, 대한민국 오페라 페스티벌 선정 <여우뎐> 예술의전당 오페라극장 발표
· 현재 : 한양대학교 겸임교수
Composer Seo Sun Jeong
Born in Seoul, Korea, composer Soonjung Suh has been commissioned to write numerous orchestral music and arrangements that have been performed throughout Korea, Japan, and the United States by Tokyo Philharmonic, KBS Symphony, Korean Symphony, Suwon Philharmonic, Pusan Philharmonic, Gyeonggi Philharmonic, Seongnam Philharmonic, Wonju Philharmonic, National Orchestra of Korea, Daejeon Yeonjeong Korean Traditional Music and Seoul Wind Orchestra.
He won the first prize in the National Competition of the Taegu Music Association and received an award in the National Choral Music Competition in 1995. He was also the winner of the Pusan National Contemporary Music Festival and his work Yun received its premiere by the Pusan Philharmonic under the direction of Sung Kwak in 1997. In 2001 he was awarded the Manhattan Prize in New York and his String Quartet was performed by the Vega Quartet in Rockport (The Rockport Chamber Music Festival), Boston (MIT Guest Artist Series), and Los Angeles (Da Camera Society). Suh have included Korean National Composition Festival Award, the KBS National Competition for Orchestral Music and the Eak-Tai Ahn National Composition Award from the Korea Times. The KBS Symphony Orchestra premiered his orchestral piece Dimension in May 2002 and he was invited from the MacDowell Colony as a resident composer during the fall 2003 season. Suh won the International Toru Takemitsu Composition Award and his piece Yu-Hyun was given its premiere by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra in May 2004 and also performed by the Korean Symphony at Carnegie Hall in 2010 that had a great attention from the New York Times. Recently, Suh’s two recordings are released both in United States and Korea by the Suwon Philharmonic and American guitarist Daniel Lippel. Many of his music have been internationally broadcast by KBS Seoul, NHK Tokyo, and ABC Australia and vigorously performed such renowned venues as Seoul Arts Center, Carnegie Hall, Cerritos Performing Arts Center, Tokyo Opera City, 2012 Shanghai International Concert Band Festival, Printemps Coréen in France (2013~16) and many others. Recently his grand opera ‘Mihodjeon’ was presented by Nuova Opera Company at National Theater of Korea in 2016 and revised version named ‘Yoewujeon’ was performed in Korea Opera Festival at Seoul Arts Center in 2018. This piece won the Korea composition award in 2018. After graduating Hanyang University, Suh received his Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees at Manhattan School of Music in New York, where his composition teachers included Richard Danielpour, Giampaolo Bracali, and George Tsontakis.
지휘 김응두
오보에 조성호(수석) 고민식 나자현 손연지 이영은 최수연
플루트 신승환(수석) 김선일 이수지 이충만 장주미 황선정
클라리넷 김종철 (악장) 강신일 김아름 김은경 김홍우 김효정 박영민 손민수 손수민 이 슬
이현강 이환희 전해나 추태현 탁현우
알토 클라리넷 오대교 조우현
베이스 클라리넷 최동훈 서성국
알토 색소폰 이범훈(수석) 김봉중 박수정
테너 색소폰 이윤석
바리톤 색소폰 김기현 장호진
바순 곽서란 김황희 문기웅 박선미 신선화 조세나 황채언
호른 최경일(수석) 권정현 김동한 김오진 김지환 김필배 이지석 조현우 조현준 최하영 한여울
트럼펫 조창환(수석) 김달식 김종호 노민호 박두원 박성수 안석영 이영환 이현준 임시원 조규형
진은준 한상희
트롬본 박정도(수석) 김유성 박성준 박솔휘 박종세 박창원 박홍배 조대선 차태현
유포늄 이태영(수석) 김대명 김수환 이동현 이진호 최기웅
튜바 김남호(수석) 권오철 김지은 변 진 윤동영 이덕훈
팀파니 윤건상
타악기 김승수 박광근 서유진 유연송 이경은 이성하 이은결 이훈노 장지은
콘트라베이스 고수정 김창호 이항지
피아노 고윤진 김미정 김민지
Track 1. J. Barnes / Symphonic Overture Op.80 10 : 30
Track 2. 서순정(구성 김계옥) / 25현 협주곡 아리랑, 가야금 민세희 09 : 03
Track 3. Alfred Reed / Third Suite - 1. Fanfare And Intrada 01 : 57
Track 4. Alfred Reed / Third Suite - 2. Pas De Deux 04 : 14
Track 5. Alfred Reed / Third Suite - 3. Polka Excentrique 02 : 00
Track 6. Alfred Reed / Third Suite - 4. Danse Generale 03 : 18
Track 7. J. de Meij / Sinfonietta No.1 - 1 Mov. 04 : 31
Track 8. J. de Meij / Sinfonietta No.1 - 2 Mov. 04 : 57
Track 9. J. de Meij / Sinfonietta No.1 - 3 Mov. 06 : 19
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